I know this may sound strange but I always classify my life by the condition of the inside of my handbag. I gave a virtual training to hundreds of Scentsy Consultants a few months ago. OK, I don't know the exact count, but please, let me dream big.
The training was around creating an office wherever you could, even the kitchen table. I talked about being organized and shared my view about my handbag. Whenever I need to declutter my life I begin with my handbag. I start by dumping the entire contents on my bed. Sorting through papers, separating receipts that I need to file away for tax purposes. I tumble through the rest of the clutter, seeing what I can put in file 13 (the garbage) and what needs to be kept.
By the time I'm finished I am left with a well organized bag. I usually will let out a big sigh (probably a sigh of accomplishment) and then I feel ready to tackle the rest of my world.
Sounds crazy? Hey, it works for me!
I agree! Decluttering is the first step to being able to relax and enjoy our relationships - with clients, friends, family, and ourselves. "God is not a God of disorder, but of peace." I Cor 14:33 NIV Great post, Abbie!